How do I gunzip all files .gz recursively in a target directory?
The solution is very simple gunzip -r * This will extract all .gz file in the respective directory and sub directory and remove the .gz files as well.
The solution is very simple gunzip -r * This will extract all .gz file in the respective directory and sub directory and remove the .gz files as well.
<FilesMatch “\.(ttf|otf|eot|woff|js|css|woff2)$”> # Type all extenstion that you want to allow <IfModule mod_headers.c> Header Set Access-Control-Allow-Origin “*” </IfModule> </FilesMatch>
Go to OpenCart Admin>Extensions>Order Totals Click “Uninstall” for “Coupon” to remove this field Click “Uninstall” for “Gift Voucher” to remove this field Thats done! Enjoy.
Suppose you have created a content type named as “testimonial”. Now the requirement is to for search for a value “hello” under field name “title” then you can do so…
function validateEmail(email) { var emailReg = /^(+@(+\.)+{2,6})?$/; return emailReg.test(email); } Usage:- if(validateEmail(emailString)){ alert('Your email is valid'); } else{ alert('Your email is not valid! There should be atleast @ and one…
Use “Command”+”Shift”+”.(dot)” to enable display of hidden files To hide just press the above three button again.
Say for example you have your checkbox field code in your twig file as below:- @foreach ($serviceList as $servloop) <div class=”checkbox”> <label> <input type=”checkbox” name=”services” value=”{{$servloop->service_id}}” {{ ( is_array(old(‘services’)) &&…
First add the custom method to the validation library as below. Can you put this code in your jquery validation file or in your page where you want to validate…
<script type="text/javascript"> function isValideDate(datavalue){ var regexValidDate = /^(?:(0|1)(0||3)(19|20){2})$/; return regexValidDate.test(datavalue); } var dateToCheck = '06/01/2011', if(isValideDate(dateToCheck)){ alert("Given date is valid as per the format of MM/dd/YYYY"); }else{ alert("Given date is…
<html> <body> <h1>Welcome to my Website</h1> <h4 id=”msg”>You will be redirected to another page in 5 seconds!</h4> <script type=”text/javascript”> function countDown(i, callback) { callback = callback || function(){}; var int…