Timezone issue with cron
If your cron job timing does’t match with the server time zone for example. You have set the cron to run at 12:30 PM, but when you see the cron…
If your cron job timing does’t match with the server time zone for example. You have set the cron to run at 12:30 PM, but when you see the cron…
How to validate and restrict unwanted character for mobile or phone number field using jquery $(document).ready(function () { $(‘#mobile’).keyup(function () { var $th = $(this); $th.val($th.val().replace(//g, function (str) { return…
How to validate and restrict unwanted character for zipcode or pincode field using jquery $(document).ready(function () { $(‘#pincode’).keyup(function () { var $th = $(this); $th.val($th.val().replace(//g, function (str) { return ”;…
How to validate and restrict unwanted character for name field using jquery $(document).ready(function () { $(‘#name’).keyup(function () { var $th = $(this); $th.val($th.val().replace(//g, function (str) { return ”; })); });…
If your site is developed in Drupal and your URL looks like this: If your site URL looks like this: http:///~/anyFolder/ Example http://example.com/~xyzaccount/somefolder/ http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/~xyzaccount/somefolder/ Then you need to set RewriteBase!in…
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off # First rewrite to HTTPS: # Don’t put www. here. If it is already there it will be included, if not # the subsequent rule will catch…
$url = trim($url); $url = preg_replace(“/^(http:\/\/)*(www.)*/is”, “”, $url); $url = preg_replace(“/\/.*$/is”, “”, $url); return $url;
You can use the open source ffmpeg program to convert a media file from low quality to high quality format # /fullpath/to/ffmpeg/ffmpeg -i source.mp4 -c:v libx264 -crf 19 destinationfile.flv OR…
You can use the open source ffmpeg program to convert a media file from one format to another. Below is an exmple: # /fullpath/to/ffmpeglibrary/ffmpeg -i InputFile.FLV OutputFile.mp3 There are various…
You can use the open source ffmpeg program to extract a frame to use as a thumbnail for a video. Below is an exmple: # /fullpath/to/ffmpeglibrary/ffmpeg -i InputFile.FLV -vframes 1…