Custom Validation for Ninja Form – wordpress
Suppose you have used Ninja Form Plugin in your wordprss website. Ninja form provide you the option to validate the fields like email address, phone numbers format and required validation.…
Suppose you have used Ninja Form Plugin in your wordprss website. Ninja form provide you the option to validate the fields like email address, phone numbers format and required validation.…
In Yii2, while you use gridview widget to display your table data, for performing any operation on the record by selecting the checkbox, gridview assign the value of the first…
Say for example you have your checkbox field code in your twig file as below:- @foreach ($serviceList as $servloop) <div class=”checkbox”> <label> <input type=”checkbox” name=”services” value=”{{$servloop->service_id}}” {{ ( is_array(old(‘services’)) &&…
First set your s3 bucket configuration in your .env file as below. S3_AWS_KEY=AKIAIDTXXXHUR7ABCDEF S3_AWS_SECRET=2XTTy0q8xxdaddffrtsfsdfdfgfhvcdsfsf S3_AWS_REGION=us-east-2 S3_AWS_BUCKET=BUCKET_NAME In your controller file add the following code to set the public property to…
The column which you want to wrap should be added the property called “contentOptions” where you can apply the css property to suits your needs and requirements as below. ,…
If you have used the query builder in yii 2.0.8 framework then to get the raw sql generated use the below statement. $query->andFilterWhere() ->andFilterWhere() ->andFilterWhere(); // This is echo the…
Normally we fetch the data as below $dataresult = DB::table(‘sometable’) ->select(‘sometable.column1’, ‘sometable.column2’, ‘sometable.column3’, ‘sometable.column4’, ‘sometable.column5’) ->get(); Now if we want to get the actaul query from $dataresult using $dataresult->toSql(); //…
In Action File ========================================================== $this->form = new youFormclassname(); To set individual Label $this->form->getWidget(‘widgetname’)->setLabel(‘widget Custom label’); To set multiple field label $this->form->getWidgetSchema()->setLabels(array( ‘field_name_1’ => ‘Field 1 Custom Lable’, ‘field_name_2’ => ‘Field…
$sf_request->getUriPrefix().$sf_request->getRelativeUrlRoot().$sf_request->getPathInfoPrefix() Vinod RamVinod Ram has been in Software Industry since 2006 and has experience of over 16 years in Software Development & Project Management domain specialised majorly in LAMP stack…
$ ./symfony configure:database --name=propel --class=sfPropelDatabase "mysql:host=localhost;dbname=dbname" username userpassword Vinod RamVinod Ram has been in Software Industry since 2006 and has experience of over 16 years in Software Development & Project…