401 Response when PHP-FPM Enabled on WordPress CMS
We recently migrated our website to another hosting service running FPM/FastCGI . We noticed under the website CMS -> tools -> Site Health Status , that all our REST API…
We recently migrated our website to another hosting service running FPM/FastCGI . We noticed under the website CMS -> tools -> Site Health Status , that all our REST API…
Sometime there is need to use some plugins in an application and you have the need to customize it UI or functionality to meet your business requirements. You install the…
Put the below code in youractivetheme.theme file /** * Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK(). */ function _preprocess_webform_confirmation(&$vars) { if ($vars->id() == 'put your webform id') { // Set your custom message here $markup…
Normally when you use contact form 7 plugin , for dropdown select option, there is no option to set blank value for the first option to validate the select field.…
In Yii2, while you use gridview widget to display your table data, for performing any operation on the record by selecting the checkbox, gridview assign the value of the first…
Go to OpenCart Admin>Extensions>Order Totals Click “Uninstall” for “Coupon” to remove this field Click “Uninstall” for “Gift Voucher” to remove this field Thats done! Enjoy. Vinod RamVinod Ram has been…
Suppose you have created a content type named as “testimonial”. Now the requirement is to for search for a value “hello” under field name “title” then you can do so…
Say for example you have your checkbox field code in your twig file as below:- @foreach ($serviceList as $servloop) <div class=”checkbox”> <label> <input type=”checkbox” name=”services” value=”{{$servloop->service_id}}” {{ ( is_array(old(‘services’)) &&…
The column which you want to wrap should be added the property called “contentOptions” where you can apply the css property to suits your needs and requirements as below. ,…
In Action File ========================================================== $this->form = new youFormclassname(); To set individual Label $this->form->getWidget(‘widgetname’)->setLabel(‘widget Custom label’); To set multiple field label $this->form->getWidgetSchema()->setLabels(array( ‘field_name_1’ => ‘Field 1 Custom Lable’, ‘field_name_2’ => ‘Field…