How to display hidden files in Mac OS
Use “Command”+”Shift”+”.(dot)” to enable display of hidden files To hide just press the above three button again. Vinod RamVinod Ram has been in Software Industry since 2006 and has experience…
Use “Command”+”Shift”+”.(dot)” to enable display of hidden files To hide just press the above three button again. Vinod RamVinod Ram has been in Software Industry since 2006 and has experience…
Say for example you have your checkbox field code in your twig file as below:- @foreach ($serviceList as $servloop) <div class=”checkbox”> <label> <input type=”checkbox” name=”services” value=”{{$servloop->service_id}}” {{ ( is_array(old(‘services’)) &&…
First add the custom method to the validation library as below. Can you put this code in your jquery validation file or in your page where you want to validate…
<script type="text/javascript"> function isValideDate(datavalue){ var regexValidDate = /^(?:(0|1)(0||3)(19|20){2})$/; return regexValidDate.test(datavalue); } var dateToCheck = '06/01/2011', if(isValideDate(dateToCheck)){ alert("Given date is valid as per the format of MM/dd/YYYY"); }else{ alert("Given date is…
<html> <body> <h1>Welcome to my Website</h1> <h4 id=”msg”>You will be redirected to another page in 5 seconds!</h4> <script type=”text/javascript”> function countDown(i, callback) { callback = callback || function(){}; var int…
Untar files in Current Directory tar xvf whatevername_yougive.tar If you want to untar in specified directory tar xvf whatevername_yougive.tar -C /path/of/directory/to/un-archive Check how to compress or create tar file here…
The below command will create a tar archive file whatevername_yougive.tar for a directory /path/of/directory/to/archive in current working directory. See the example below. tar cvf whatevername_yougive.tar /path/of/directory/to/archive The options detail are…
First set your s3 bucket configuration in your .env file as below. S3_AWS_KEY=AKIAIDTXXXHUR7ABCDEF S3_AWS_SECRET=2XTTy0q8xxdaddffrtsfsdfdfgfhvcdsfsf S3_AWS_REGION=us-east-2 S3_AWS_BUCKET=BUCKET_NAME In your controller file add the following code to set the public property to…
The column which you want to wrap should be added the property called “contentOptions” where you can apply the css property to suits your needs and requirements as below. ,…
If you have used the query builder in yii 2.0.8 framework then to get the raw sql generated use the below statement. $query->andFilterWhere() ->andFilterWhere() ->andFilterWhere(); // This is echo the…