How to change the php version for the console
Many a times when you view the php version in the browser by displaying the phpinfo() information and the php version that is displayed when you see by typing the…
Many a times when you view the php version in the browser by displaying the phpinfo() information and the php version that is displayed when you see by typing the…
function makeAjaxRequest(data1,data2,.....,datax){ $.ajax({ 'type':'POST', async: false, url: '', data:{param1:data1,param2:data2,....,paramx:datax}, success : function(response) { console.log(response); // Using this you can check the posted data in browser console window return true;// you…
I had code on my gitlab repository, Another person is also working on the same code . He had committed , pushed and merged his changes on the master branch.…
In Yii2, while you use gridview widget to display your table data, for performing any operation on the record by selecting the checkbox, gridview assign the value of the first…
Usually when we try to submit the form after ajax call on success response, the form does not’t get submitted. Like for example in below code:- $.ajax({ type : “POST”,…
{{ drupal_entity(‘block’, ‘put your block id here’, check_access=false) }} check_access=false => This is to make check if the block is allowed to access by which kind of user; default is…
The solution is very simple gunzip -r * This will extract all .gz file in the respective directory and sub directory and remove the .gz files as well. Vinod RamVinod…
<FilesMatch “\.(ttf|otf|eot|woff|js|css|woff2)$”> # Type all extenstion that you want to allow <IfModule mod_headers.c> Header Set Access-Control-Allow-Origin “*” </IfModule> </FilesMatch> Vinod RamVinod Ram has been in Software Industry since 2006 and…
Go to OpenCart Admin>Extensions>Order Totals Click “Uninstall” for “Coupon” to remove this field Click “Uninstall” for “Gift Voucher” to remove this field Thats done! Enjoy. Vinod RamVinod Ram has been…
Suppose you have created a content type named as “testimonial”. Now the requirement is to for search for a value “hello” under field name “title” then you can do so…