GD support
How to check if GD support is enabled or not. <?php var_dump(gd_info()); ?> If GD support is enabled then you will get an array in that you will get “GD…
How to check if GD support is enabled or not. <?php var_dump(gd_info()); ?> If GD support is enabled then you will get an array in that you will get “GD…
<html> <head></head> <body leftmargin=”0″ topmargin=”0″> <table cellpadding=”0″ cellspacing=”0″ border=”0″> <tr height=”350″><td align=”center”> <table cellpadding=”0″ cellspacing=”0″ border=1 bordercolor=”black”> <tr> <td valign=”top”> <OBJECT ID=”MediaPlayer” WIDTH=”320″ HEIGHT=”290″ CLASSID=”CLSID:22d6f312-b0f6-11d0-94ab-0080c74c7e95″ STANDBY=”Loading Windows Media Player components…”…
function getYMDHMSPastFromTwoDate($startTimeStamp,$endTimeStamp) { $years = ”; $Month = ”; $Days = ”; $Hrs = ”; $Mins = ”; $totalSecs = ”; $timePastArr = array(); $date1 = $startTimeStamp; $date2 = $endTimeStamp;…