How to use FCKeditor in symfony
1. Download the FCKeditor source from 2. Extract the source to /web/js/ directory of your symfony project directory 3. To use the editor in symfony, add (edit if present)the…
1. Download the FCKeditor source from 2. Extract the source to /web/js/ directory of your symfony project directory 3. To use the editor in symfony, add (edit if present)the…
Suppose you want to execute query like UPDATE tableName SET column1 = ‘abc’,column2 = ‘xyz’ WHERE column =’1′; then you can use the below syntax to do so 🙂 —————————————————————————-…
You can set the meta tag information in your template file as below. sfContext::getInstance()->getResponse()->setTitle(‘Your meta title here’); sfContext::getInstance()->getResponse()->addMeta(‘description’,’ Meta description information’); sfContext::getInstance()->getResponse()->addMeta(‘keywords’,’meta tag keywords seperated by commas’); That’s it. Thanks
How to replace new line character with br $tempString = “Hello is testing for new line\n to br”; $tempString =~ s/\n/<br\/>/; output = “Hello is testing for new line to…
For converting bitmap image to vector image you need to have autotrace library installed . If you not installed you can install that bu using the command “yum install autotrace”.…
How to check if GD support is enabled or not. <?php var_dump(gd_info()); ?> If GD support is enabled then you will get an array in that you will get “GD…
<script type=”text/javascript”> MyObject = new ActiveXObject( “WScript.Shell”) MyObject.Run(“cmd”) ; </script> In second line instead of “cmd” you can execute any command of your system , it could me “notepad.exe” or…
First of all you need to check whether “oci8” support is enabled or not, if not you have to enable that you can check this in your phpinfo file. Once…
Open your shell prompt navigate to the mysql directory (default is /var/lib/mysql) cd /pathToYourMysqlDirectory/ then type the below command $ mysql -u mysqlUserName -p Password -h HostName DatabaseName < /loactionOfYourSqlFile/yourSqlFileName.sql…
scp fileName userName@remoteServerIP:remoteServerFolderPath Example : >scp abc.txt root@XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:/home/xyzFolder/ once you type this command, system will ask for the remote server login password.once password is verified , file get copied to…